
An engaging and thought-provoking ethics course that explores the ethical challenges we face in our everyday lives. In this dynamic program, you will delve into real-world scenarios, examining the ethical implications and learning how to make ethical decisions with confidence and integrity. Through interactive lessons and case studies, you will develop a solid understanding of ethical principles and what they mean for you. By the end of this course, you will have a heightened ethical awareness, equipped with the tools and knowledge to navigate the complexities of the real world and make ethical choices that align with your values. FIND OUT MORE



Ethics Explored, Decisions Enhanced: Real World Ethics for Today’s Challenges

We at Ethical Governance recognise that successful businesses, organisations and individuals adhere to ethical principles. However, we also understand that, for some people, the phrase “ethical business practices” has a fuzzy meaning.

Does this mean that an organisation needs to post a code of ethics in the break room? Does this mean that executives must act in a specific way? Do employing ethical business practices make any difference to the organisation as a whole? The course in Real World Ethics answers these questions plus many more.

With over a decade’s worth of research and practical applications, the Ethical Governance Team has designed this course in Real World Ethics to clarify what ethical business practices means, and provides you with practical strategies that you can use immediately upon completion of this course.

Topics Include:

  • Definition of ethics, morals, values and ethical principles.
  • Integrity in the workplace – strategies you can implement immediately into your daily tasks.
  • Tangible benefits of employing ethical business practices.
  • How to create, maintain and enhance an ethical culture in your organization.
  • The characteristics one needs to possess in order to be an effective ethical leader.

The course uses case studies and real-world examples to help learners understand and apply ethical principles in practice. We also take you through some real life case scenarios of consequences caused by unethical practices along with strategies to avoid getting embroiled in unethical activities.

Who is this Course for?

This course has not been designed for a position, it has been developed for the person. That person is someone who is committed to doing the right thing and strives for excellence in everything they do.

We strongly believe that everybody in an organisation is a leader and can have significant impact on their environment. A position doesn’t make the leader, rather the leader makes the position; hence, you will benefit from this course regardless of your current position or title.  It will equip you with knowledge and practical tools to become a person of high integrity, respected and valued not only by those reporting to you, but also by those who are leading you.

How Long is the Course?

The course is comprised of 3 distinct sections. Each section is approximately 20 minutes in length. The whole course is about 60 minutes long.

Real World Ethics is delivered through a user-friendly online platform that is accessible from anywhere, anytime and on any device. The program is self-paced, allowing learners to complete it at their convenience and at their own speed. Assessment of learning is in the form of a quiz that appears at the end of each section. You can attempt the quiz as many times as you need.

ADDED VALUE: Life-long access. There is no expiry date on the course. Once you purchase it, we grant you life-long access so you can always go back and refresh your memory.

Questions about this course or other related training and consultation should be directed to Ethical Governance at: info@ethicalgovernance.com.au

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Disclaimer: Please note that the information presented in this material is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal or any other professional advice. The content is meant to be informative and should not be used as a substitute for professional legal or other advice. The use of this material is at your own risk, and Ethical Governance Pty Ltd does not accept any responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the information provided. It is always advisable to seek the advice of a qualified professional before making any decisions based on the information presented in this material.