Your Empowerment Mentoring Journey

How Would It Feel To Have Your Best Year EVER?

Are you doing your best .. if not, why not? What would happen if you did? What would happen if you spent 3 months working on YOU?

What would change if you decided to be ALL that you can be?

Life is not a rehearsal, so… what are you waiting for?

YES! I am ready to bet on myself and become all that I can be! I would like to invest in me and work with you to:

  • Uncover my purpose and pin point what it is I really want
  • Examine why I’m procrastinating
  • Understand what is holding me back and what I’m afraid of
  • Find out how to change from the inside out to make my dreams a reality
  • Learn strategies to keep moving forward towards my dreams

Imagine waking up every morning with a renewed sense of purpose, unwavering self-belief and the drive to turn your dreams into reality. Empowerment Mentoring will equip you with the skills to set powerful goals, overcome self-doubt and take decisive action towards your aspirations. You will develop the confidence to step outside your comfort zone, embrace new opportunities and create a life filled with fulfillment and meaning.

But Empowerment Mentoring is more than just a program – it’s a community of like-minded individuals who uplift and support each other on their personal journeys. You will connect with fellow participants, share experiences, and build lifelong friendships that inspire and motivate you to reach new heights.


  • 12 modules full curriculum
  • Six 60-90 minutes live group check-ins with the facilitator occurring every two weeks
  • Ask or email your questions

When you sign up, you will gain immediate access to all our comprehensive video modules. The program offers you the flexibility to set your own pace, ensuring it fits seamlessly into your busy schedule. You will have the freedom to progress through each week at a rhythm that works best for you, all while actively participating in a supportive community of peers and receiving guidance from our experienced facilitators.

Your Empowerment Mentoring Journey Modules


  • We love it when something happens
  • We get caught up in the story
  • We are taken away from what we say is important


  • Everyone chooses the best option they see, their only problem is that they are mistaken
  • We are all imperfect … all doing our best
  • Humility and forgiveness are two sides of the same coin


  • Your attitude is your thoughts, your feelings and your actions … it is all of them together
  • Earl Nightingales attitude test … is life treating you well?

Authentic Journaling

  • Keeping track
  • Setting goals
  • Living on purpose

Terror Barrier

  • At times of change we either step forward into growth or back into safety
  • We must continually push through the fear and frustration in order to extend the comfort zone

Purpose Vision Goals

  • We do not grow for no reason
  • We must identify something we want
  • This is not a rehearsal
  • A goal that is casually set is freely abandoned ~ Zig Ziglar


  • Gratitude keeps our mind on what is good
  • Beware the temptation to feel yourself hard done by
  • Gratitude connects us to our source of supply


  • We do not get what we want we get what we are
  • Like attracts like
  • Dual force of action and attraction from being

Comfort Zone

  • Growth takes place outside the Comfort zone
  • You are responsible, no one is going to do it for you
  • Growth starts with a decision

You Are Perfect

  • You have everything you need for a fulfilled life
  • You are a perfect imperfect human being
  • You have more potential than you will ever use

World Famous

  • Live a ‘world famous’ life
  • Living a life of significance


  • We use our perception for us or against us
  • We disturb ourselves not by the things that happen but by the views we take of them ~ Epictetus

Don’t let self-doubt or uncertainty hold you back any longer. Take the leap and enroll in our mentoring program today. Unleash your potential, discover new possibilities and achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of.

Invest in yourself today, your future self will thank you. Unlock your potential and let our mentoring program be the catalyst for your success!